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What We Do

What We Do

Webb City CARES provides a daily presence in our schools. Whether it is providing school supplies, clothing, tutoring or mentoring, Webb City CARES brings the community and resources together to help our students.

 Meeting Student Needs

Many children face challenges every day beyond their control. Every day there are immediate needs to help a child be successful. Webb City CARES believe that together, we can make a difference. Utilizing local resources and social media, most needs can be met quickly whether it be providing clothing or school supplies. Our goal is to meet the need within 24 hours of identification of that need.

 Cardinal MUSCLE

Men Using Support, Compassion and Love to Encourage (MUSCLE) provide opportunities for students to feel the impact of a positive male influence in their lives. Men greet students at the door each morning welcoming the students to school and letting each one know they are glad they are here. Men also visit with the students during lunch and recess. Cardinal MUSCLE focuses on students making them feel noticed and valued.

 Lunch Buddies

Positive role models and mentors are essential to the academic and social success of our kids. Unfortunately, it is not always provided through traditional avenues. Lunch Buddies offer children individualized time and attention at school on a consistent basis during their lunchtime.

 Snack packs

Not all students have the structure in place to provide adequate food when school is out. Our Snackpack program identifies those students who would benefit from a snack pack of food going home each weekend. 

 Community Partners

Every school in our district benefits from having community partners. Most organizations will have resources to offer, and through these partnerships, we are able to offer positive reinforcement and develop mentor programs. To become a partner, identify a school close to your business or ask leaders in your congregation to consider adopting a school.


Every child is important. Webb City CARES partners with every school celebrating student success. We want every child to feel encouraged, and to know that everyone, in the schools and in the community, believes in their success now and in the future. We believe in the saying, “You Can Go Anywhere From Here,” and we celebrate our students’ accomplishments on the road to success.